Brock’s Carbon Zero Program

This will be a company-wide effort and will analyze everything from how we dispose of a coffee cup, to waste streams, air travel, factory operations, and every area where we can find improvement. Some of these things may drive up our internal costs. However, […]

Artificial Turf & The War on Microplastics: A Call To Action

Alongside global climate change, plastic pollution has surged into our popular consciousness as one of the most significant environmental issues of our time. Bags and bottles are laying waste to some of the world’s most cherished beaches, reefs, and riverways; while microplastics threaten the health of people and animals around […]

Plant-Based Infills Gain Traction in Turf Market – Athletic Business Feature

Athletic Business ran a great article on the influx of new organic infill alternatives to crumb rubber a couple of years ago that still holds value today. This growing trend towards embracing solutions for better infills could potentially revolutionize the way turf systems are designed. BrockFILL was featured prominently as […]

Companies Consider Climate Change

The latest Brock product to hit the market, BrockFILL, is also on its way to Cradle-to-Cradle certification. It was crucial that our performance infill for athletes, not only be durable, have low abrasion, and achieve quality traction, […]

Athletic Business Interview On BrockFILL

Brock USA, the leading manufacturer of shock pads for artificial turf fields, has released the aptly named “BrockFILL” – the first affordable and durable organic replacement for crumb rubber. In late 2014 Brock USA began assembling a team of researchers from universities, sports testing labs, PhD scientists, engineers, […]

Sourcing + Sustainability Matter

Over 2000 new artificial turf fields are being installed every year in the United States. Each one of these fields require 120 tons of crumb rubber infill. Although the Environmental Protection Agency touted this downcycled, re-use methodology for their problem with tire disposal, it is simply a band-aid for the […]

By |2023-12-06T16:30:08-07:00January 14, 2019|BrockFill, Environment, Microplastics, News, The Latest|0 Comments

California Dreaming – How Verde Design and the City of San Francisco Won Over Environmentalists with Brock

Photo by Verde Design.


In 2002, members of the San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department kicked off a project with Verde Design, Inc. to install artificial turf in parks and athletic fields throughout the city and county. Although it quickly became clear that artificial turf provided numerous benefits over […]

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