Research Shows Wood Infill is Safer For Athletes and Artificial Fields

Wood products have countless uses in our modern world. From furniture and flooring, to children’s toys and paper products, you are likely never more than an arm’s reach away from something made of wood. Wood is durable, renewable, and affordable, making it an excellent material for a wide range of […]

By |2023-11-01T18:19:45-06:00January 14, 2019|Athletes, BrockFill, News, Now Trending, Research, Safety, Testing|0 Comments

An Even Playing Field for Women in Sports

International Women’s Day commemorates the movement for equality and women’s rights and the movement transcends to the sports field as well. The discussions surrounding women in sports have demonstrated the inequality between the genders in more ways than you may think. Concussions have become a hot topic in the […]

By |2023-12-06T15:22:22-07:00March 8, 2017|Athletes, News, Now Trending, Safety, Shock Pads|0 Comments
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