Whenever we see information of value provided by reputable research institutes we push that information to everyone we can. Research and science should drive industries forward and the sports field industry is on the cusp of a shock pad revolution. When leading scientists repeatedly publish their findings indicating an artificial turf system built with a shock pad performs the closest to natural grass, it’s only a matter of time before every field is built with shock pad technology.

“Of fundamental importance is the need for future artificial turf systems to be designed to incorporate a shock pad into the make-up. Simply making artificial turf firmer is not the answer the industry needs to make artificial turf more like natural turf.”
– Sports Labs, Ltd.

The latest release from Sports Labs, Ltd. takes a look at common natural grass fields, pitches to those across the pond, as well as artificial turf systems. It also explains how their research correlates with the safety standards set by FIFA and World Rugby’s “One-Turf Concept.”