Brock Matters – News2023-09-19T14:54:03-06:00

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It’s the bottom of the 9th, your team is down by one, batter up. The crack of the bat, the speed of the runner, the shouts of the crowd –
”GO! GO! GO!”

Know the Truth: Your Bathroom Cabinet Has More PFAS Than Artificial Turf!

In recent debates over environmental safety, the presence of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in artificial turf has sparked concerns. However, it’s crucial to put these worries into perspective. While it’s important to be cautious about chemicals in our environment, the truth is that artificial turf contains far fewer PFAS […]

Sustainability in Focus: How the Artificial Turf Industry is Gaining on Green

As environmental concerns become increasingly urgent, industries worldwide are adopting more sustainable practices. The artificial turf industry is no exception. Traditionally, artificial turf has faced criticism for its environmental impact, but recent advancements have shown a concerted effort by manufacturers to reduce their environmental footprint […]

Is it really Natural Grass, or is it Engineered Grass?

As urban areas continue to expand, the demand for sports facilities has increased, often leading to the construction of “natural grass” sports fields in coastal regions. While these fields are often seen as a more “natural” choice compared to artificial turf, the reality of maintaining these engineered grass sports fields […]

Uniting the World through Sports: The Lasting Impact of the Olympics and the Importance of Building Modern Sports Facilities

The recent Olympics reminded us of the power of sports to unite people from all corners of the globe. In a time when division seems to permeate many aspects of life, the Olympics showcased humanity’s collective spirit and reminded us of our shared values of excellence, teamwork, and perseverance. Sports […]

Navigating the Three Generations of Artificial Turf

Artificial turf has undergone significant transformations since its inception in the mid-20th century. Originally developed to overcome the limitations of natural grass, synthetic turf has evolved through various generations, each marked by technological advancements aimed at improving safety, performance, and environmental sustainability. Here’s an overview of the three distinct generations […]

Brock USA Celebrates the Success of Athletes Drafted in the First Round of the 2024 NFL Draft

The 2024 NFL Draft’s opening night was a momentous occasion for the athletes who have worked tirelessly to reach this pinnacle. Last night, an impressive six out of the first twelve athletes selected were from colleges that utilize Brock shock pads on their practice or stadium fields. This correlation underscores […]

We don’t make turf. We make turf safer.

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